Pure Romance Story

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A Girls Night In: Women Enjoy Pure Romance



Pure RomanceAll around the dimly lit room lit by the glow of several scented candles, 15 women are gathered. They are sitting in a circle and occasionally burst out in unison shouts and laughter.

This is not a séance. This is not a fanatic cult led by wiccans. This is a Pure Romance party. And the women are all discussing something they usually keep quiet about: sex.

Pure Romance, founded by Patty Brisben in 1995 in Ohio, operates as the premiere corporation that sells relationship enhancement products from women workers to women clients in the United States. Pure Romance strives to cater to the women clients and stands by the motto “Empower. Educate. Entertain.”

“It is important for us to make women understand that sex is not a ‘taboo’ topic, it is a normal aspect of a health woman’s life,” executive vice president of Pure Romance Josh Ephron said.

The Pure Romance logo.

The corporation sells a variety of products for all women 18 and older.

“Pure Romance sells everything from lotions to lingerie to relationship enhancement items. Whether in a relationship or single, Pure Romance has a product for everyone,” Ephron continued.

Women primarily purchase Pure Romance products after attending a Pure Romance party; a social function that allows women to both feel comfortable in discussing aspects of pleasure and satisfaction in the bedroom and expressing concerns about sexual health with a trained Pure Romance Consultant.

The Pure Romance Consultant conducts the party. She explains the repertoire of products in the Pure Romance collection that includes: creams and gels to apply during intercourse to provide an added kick during a sexual encounter, lotions to enhance the pheromones of a partner, accessories to spice-up a romantic evening, and everyday cosmetics.

Along with the business aspect of selling the products, the consultant maintains a didactic and humorous tone throughout the suare, occasionally breaking the narrative to create a quick game of “pass the dildo.”

“I got into the Pure Romance consulting gig because I wanted to advocate to women that sex can be about them. The fact that women can become sexually satisfied without a significant other. But mainly, I wanted to encourage women how to be comfortable in their bodies & educate them how to spice up their romance life,” Pure Romance consultant and Hood College senior Bridgette M*. said.

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