How to Know if Your Boyfriend is Cheating on You

I’m not stating that all men who exercise the traits below are cheaters; there are exceptions to every rule. From personal experience, and through the women I know, these are some big characteristics that most men who are cheating share in common. Cheating is a touchy subject, and both women and men have been victims to the dirty deed.

So remember ladies, if you have the slightest inkling that your man is cheating, looking for these signs, and if he fits more than one of the descriptions below, your gut feeling might be right!

1. Your boyfriend starts acting distant towards you both physically and emotionally. He slowly stops touching you, talking to you, and spending time with you. Sorry ladies, but this might be a clear sign that he has lost interest in the relationship and might be looking elsewhere for love or “sexy-time.”

2. The man of your dreams starts going out with his friends a lot and doesn’t invite you. “It’s guys’ night out babe, geez…sorry!” Now this doesn’t always mean that there is something wrong, but if he continually goes out without you, especially to bars, he might be on the hunt for some new meat. Be aware ladies! If your man comes home smelling like cheap perfume and Smirnoff Grape, he might be cheating on you!

3.  Your boyfriend is very unclear about where he was and who he was with when he goes out with his “friends.” He’s very vague about what he did on his “guys’ night out.” He might be lying to you, and if you press him on the issue, he may snap at you and accuse you of being overzealous or a control-freak girlfriend. Men like to drop the words “psycho” or “crazy” when referring to a girlfriend that suspects them of cheating, but as that country song goes, “Behind every woman scorned is a man who made her that way.” Women usually act this way when they know that their men are up to no good.

Your boyfriend is being vague because he doesn’t want you to know where he was, and truth be told, isn’t very good at lying to you about it. His attempt at lying will probably give himself away.

4.  Another sign that your man is cheating is if you continually cannot get a hold of him on his phone. He might have really bad reception or . . . he might be with another woman.

After about 15 or 20 minutes he might call you back with some lame excuse on why he couldn’t hear his phone ring, or the call got dropped, but chances are you’re the one being dropped, not the call. If your boyfriend always has his phone on vibrate or never answers it when he’s around you, it might mean he’s trying to hide something or someone from you.

I don’t advise snooping, but it might be your last resort. Looking through your boyfriend’s text messages, you might find that he erased all of all of them. This might mean the dog is trying to cover up his tracks.

5. Your man starts rocking nice jeans, fly dress shirts, and new kicks instead of his usual baggy sweatpants and dirty crinkled T-shirt. His physical look begins to change. He gets himself a new haircut, and starts smelling like AXE for men.

You ask yourself, “When did my boyfriend start caring about what he looks like?” Probably ever since he met that cute chick at the bar last weekend and got her digits.

Beware: He might be “so fresh and so clean” for that special woman . . . and it’s probably not you!

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