Organization Spotlight on Wisteria

By Katie Triplett

“Moving, shocking, riveting, happy, sad, and downright inspirational,” says Wisteria Editor Sarah Van Horn when describingHoodCollege’s literary magazine. “Our goal is to make you feel something, to spread emotion through art, and to connect to people.”

Van Horn, an English major, began as an assistant editor for Wisteria her sophomore year at Hood.

“I have been editor for two years now and have found that I like leading this stressful, chaotic endeavor,” Van Horn said.

“Our adviser, Dr. Amy Gottfried, associate professor of English and Director of the Masters in Humanity Program, is a patient and knowledgeable guide. We would be lost without her,” Van Horn said.

Wisteria’s creative team includes Van Horn, Assistant Editor Lloyd Thompson Taylor, Written Submissions Manager Meredith Fritz, Arts Submissions Manager Shaysa Villa, Review Board Manager Kyle Dimock and Layout Manager Cal Silvious.

Wisteria is currently seeking a publicity events manager, who handles events their annual coffee house’s open mic night once a semester.

According to Van Horn, Hood’s literary arts magazine occasionally sponsors poetry readings for the creative writing and advanced poetry students.

“We also have helped sponsor poets who come to read at Hood,” Van Horn said.

Wisteria is exclusive to Hood students, seeking those who would like to contribute original poetry, prose, drama, creative non-fiction, photos, art or photos of 3D art.

Wisteria will publish its magazine at the end of April or beginning of May with spring submissions running from Feb. 10 to Feb. 29.

Submissions to are collected twice a year, and are reviewed by Wisteria’s creative team, then formatted by the layout team.  Students who are interested in submitting their creative work to Wisteria or have any questions should contact Sarah Van Horn at or Lloyd Thompson Taylor at

All submissions should include a title, your name and contact information. If submitting prose, they shouldn’t exceed two pages typed (single-space, Times New Roman) and must be in .doc format.  Limit five pieces per submission.  Creative works should be submitted as an attachment to

Van Horn expressed her appreciation to all members and staff who worked very hard to bring this magazine to Hood, “To everyone who made this magazine possible, including all of those people who were willing to share their art with us and with you, I would like to give my sincere thanks.”

Van Horn explains that in seeing the finished product and knowing that she has been part of helping someone be heard makes her feel like she’s making a difference.

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