Punk Band Cartel Coming to Campus for Student Concert

By Stacey Axler

The band Cartel will come to campus to perform a free concert for Hood students.

On Friday, April 19, Cartel will perform a 60 minute music set starting at 9 p.m. for Hood students and guests in the BB&T Arena in Hood Athletic and Fitness Center.

“This is a really great event for the college.  Cartel is certainly a band on the way up,” said Director of Student Activities and Orientation Don Miller.

The event is being brought to the students by the Office of Student Activities and various student organizations such as the Campus Activities Board (CAB) and Blazer Radio.

This event marks the first concert the college has hosted since 2006.  Other years, including this one, the Blazer Radio hosted Bandfest during May Madness, an event where Blazer radio DJs played music consecutively for several hours.

“I think it is a unique opportunity for Hood College, and I support their decision to bring a band here to perform,” said junior Kellie Duncan.

Duncan added, “Because the concert conflicts with the end of the musical, I’m upset I won’t be able to see the band in it’s entirity.”

Earlier this month, students had the option to vote between three bands to come to campus: Cartel, Bowling for Soup, and Hellogoodbye.  Of the people who voted, Cartel got the most votes.

While the event is free for the Hood community, students can bring a guest for an additional $20. Students can pick up the tickets in Whitaker during the remainder of the week.

A local Frederick band will begin playing music at 8 p.m. to act as the cover band for Cartel.

After the concert, the band will do a short meet and greet and will sell merchandise to those who attended.

“I’m really excited for Cartel to come to the college, it’s really great to be able to go to a concert, and I feel that’s it’s a really new event for the school,” said sophomore Brittany Gammel.


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