Fashion: Halloween Costumes

By Daniela Kuhr

Ladies and Gentlemen: it is time to dress up and be someone else for a little while. Halloween is finally here! Being creative today is more important than any other time of the year.

But as most of us grew up watching the movie “Mean Girls” at least once (and I am not just talking about girls here), I should explain something to you. Just because Lindsay Lohan, in her role as Cady, said “In Girl World, Halloween is the one night a year when girls can dress like a total slut and no other girls can say anything about it,” does not mean that she is right. Let me break the news to you, ladies, girls always judge, no matter what day of the year it is… So, please do not trust Lindsay on this one. You can see what became of her because of that… just kidding.

So instead of dressing up in that way, you should go for something creative. I understand most girls still want to look cute or hot (and trust me, I want that too), but as I mentioned before, being almost naked does not do the trick.

In case you do not have a costume for the parties this weekend, here are my suggestions: how about you dress up as your favorite comic figure or movie character. Using the same old standard costumes over and over again is really boring and we want to see something new and imaginative. It does not mean that it has to be expensive or that you have to buy anything. Sometimes you have everything you need in your closet. Looking up pictures online may also help you find last minute ideas.

Good luck with your costumes and have a great time at the awesome Halloween parties! Enjoy it!

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