Midterm Grade Reports Become Available to Students Next Semester

By Stacey Axler

Next semester, a midterm grade report will be available for all under­graduate students due to the effort of the Student Government Association (SGA).

The SGA sought the help of the Academic Standards and Policy Committee in early November to fa­cilitate the change in grade policy.

“I am very excited for this change, as now I can get a better sense of what grades I have before finals,” junior Laura Morton said.

Officially, on November 25, 2012, it was confirmed to the SGA that grade reports will be available after the midterm break for all stu­dents.

Previously, the Hood policy for midterm grade reports was that only low midterm grades were reported on Self Service. Thus, any grade higher than a C was not shown on the record.

Next semester, all professors will report the grades on Self Ser­vice.

Many students are excited for this change, as it will facilitate keep­ing up with class progress.

This year, the Student Govern­ment Association continues its strive to enhance student experience at Hood by instigating such changes in academic and campus life.

To keep up with Student Gov­ernment Association updates, be sure to “like” Hood College’s SGA on Facebook!

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