Senior Student Profile: What will you do after graduation?

Blue and Grey staff reporter Heidi Marino interviewed senior Geneva Denney.

What’s your major?

G: I am a communications arts major with a concentration in public relations and a minor in biology.

What’s the first thing you’ll do after you graduate?

G: The first thing I’ll do after I graduate is jump for joy-because I’ll finally be done. Following that, I plan on continuing to work at Bath and Body works until I get a real job offer based on my degree. I would like to have saved up enough money in the first year following graduation to move out of my house and start my own life.

Where do you picture yourself in 5 years career wise?

G: In 5 years, I hope to work in a PR position for a Bio Tech company, or something along those lines. I want to do this as a way to tie in the biology and chemistry background I truly loved into PR and communications which I truly enjoy on a daily basis. I feel it will be a great position to find because biology and chemistry people often find it hard to communicate their research and promote their company. I think finding a PR position for a company like that would be an extremely amazing opportunity because not many communications majors have a background in biology like I do.

What’s something you’re excited for this last year at Hood? Any school activities in particular, trips, etc.?

G: We are trying to start a Hood College chapter of PRSSA which would be amazing to start, not only for my resume, but for networking. If the seniors involved now can get it started it will be very easy for underclassman to take over next year. I’m also looking forward to the spaghetti dinner for seniors during senior week at Hood. We get all you can eat spaghetti, wine and beer. It’s the last moment that all the seniors will be together before graduation- which is pretty cool. Of course, there is also May Madness which is amazing in itself. It will be the last one I attend and I hope to goodness they pick cool activities for this year. Finally, my parents said I can go anywhere I want as a graduation present. It’s hard to pick anywhere because there are so many places. I would love to spend a week on a tropical island soaking up the sun, but I would also love to go to Australia. I was fortunate enough to have traveled out of the country a lot as a child but it will be a completely different experience as an adult who can go out and drink and experience things on my own.

What’s the best thing that has happened to you at Hood thus far?

G: The best thing that happened to me at Hood was finding my friends. We have a “fam” here who I would not give up for the world. My friends are the best place for me to find advice and support in the decisions I make. They helped me through changing my major junior year, getting through a break-up with a horrible boyfriend and through the struggles with other friendships. They helped me become myself-because I was certainly lost for a while. I will walk out of Hood with a connection to these people I know will last the rest of my life. I mean, they’re already talking about coming to my wedding.

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