SGA Corner

By Logan Samuels
Student Government Association, Public Relations Chair
*this particular article is not affiliated with The Blue and Grey*
SGA has been having a great autumn so far and is especially excited with our upcoming events. Thank you to everyone who helped to promote and who participated in Walk a Mile in Her Shoes on October 11th. Walk a Mile is an event we have supported for a few years and are eager to keep supporting in the future. Heartly House is a wonderful foundation! With the march and Walk a Mile behind us, there’s still plenty more ahead! SGA just wrapped up our first joint senate and exec meeting on the 9th. Lots of great ideas and concerns were heard. If you have something you’d like to bring up at SGA, feel free to email us at or come to one of our meetings and make a public comment! Another great way to have your voice heard will be at our Hot Topic meeting on October 16th. This meeting will be a review and reflection of the schedule changes and it will be October 16th, 9pm in Hodson Auditorium. Have your voice heard! Be sure to find us at our table during Homecoming Weekend and earn prizes and candy with us at Safe Harvest. Before we know it, it will be December and Holiday Dinner and the beautiful luminaries will be upon us. We hope everyone survived midterms and had a wonderful fall break! See you around campus!​

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