Luhman leaves Hood

Photo courtesy or the marketing and communications office.

Logan Samuels, news editor

Hood College continues to see staffing changes as the Director of Student Life and Judicial Affairs announces his new job in Baltimore.

A few weeks ago, Dean Olivia White sent out mass emails to the student body informing everyone that Zachary Luhman, the Director of Student Life and Judicial Affairs, would be leaving Hood College on Oct. 31. White said, “He has accepted a position as Associate Director of Operations and Technology at the University of Baltimore…”

Luhman has been a member of the Hood faculty for almost seven years since his start in 2008. Zach Luhman is an active part of the Hood community and has been seen dancing at Air Band during May Madness and revamping the residence life staffing and programing.

Luhman’s new job won’t be too far away, as he is staying in the Maryland area and it will have a similar feel to his current one. Luhman said, “I’ll be working in the student involvement center, budgeting technology management and I’ll still be working with the students.”

With President Volpe leaving, it raises the question of why Luhman has also decided to leave. However, Luhman assures that this is a personal decision and that the attractiveness of Baltimore is due to more of a focus on the aspects of his current job that he really enjoys.

Hood College has left an impact on Luhman as he said, “I learned to be a better problem solver. Dean White and other mentors have helped challenge me.” Luhman also shared that it was so rare to see a college community where traditions like Policies brought the campus together.

With Zach Luhman bound for Baltimore, his job position has opened up as well as the many leadership roles he has participated in on campus. Luhman explained that different people on campus have been assigned his different tasks until the campus is ready for a re-hire.

Luhman found his job at Hood through a national recruitment website and he said that Hood will probably follow similar steps to find his replacement. Unlike the presidential search committee, this job hunt will only include staff from Hood and no outside search company.

Dean Olivia White said, “Although Zach is moving on to other opportunities, we will definitely miss him at Hood!” Hood students, staff and faculty can celebrate Zach Luhman’s achievements and wish him well before he heads off at a reception on Oct. 31 from 2-4 p.m.

Luhman said, “It’s been a good six years and I think we’ve come a long way. I hope we keep moving forward and maybe work towards building a new residence hall, which we’ve been trying to do since I got here.”

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