Students prepare for Election Day

By Kaylene Wright

In preparation for Election Day on Nov. 4, students on campus have organized a, “Get out the Vote” (GOTV) effort in order to increase voter turnout among college students.

So far, several things have been done with the effort. For example, for National Voter Registration Day on Sept. 23, tabling was done in Whitaker to register voters. There have been several phone banks on campus to call infrequent voters, cards students have signed saying they “pledge to vote,” and posters about voting put up around campus.

The week before Election Day, a banner will be hung in Whitaker about voting, and there will be a “trick-or-vote” canvass in the dorms to deliver voting reminder flyers.

“The effort has been pretty good,” said Laura Shriver, an intern at Public Interest Research Group (PIRG) and organizer of the GOTV effort on campus said. She said she started the work on campus after she heard about the low voting statistics among young people.

In regard to the low statistics, Marites Velasquez, Program Director of Student PIRGs, said there is a misconception that young people don’t vote because they are apathetic or lazy.

“The big reason is that they don’t know how to register, how to get to the polls, etc.”

The GOTV campaign is aimed at trying to help students understand the voting process.

“There are a lot of social problems that young people will inherit. We’ll live with the aftermath of decisions made today for the rest of our lives,” said Velasquez, in regards to the importance of young people voting.

Sam Kebede said he’s voting this year because it’s his duty as a citizen, and an important part of the democratic process.

“College students are an often ignored demographic in the political scene. We have constructed opinions and ideas on how the world works, and those opinions should be heard,” he said.

The campaign on campus will continue all the way up to Election Day. “To me it feels like one of the most important things. To have a bigger impact and help influence other people to vote,” Shriver said.

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