Get to Know A RA: Guillermo Sobalvarro

GS Final

Class Year: 2017

Major/ Minor: Law & Criminal Justice with Concentration in Law

RA Building: Coblentz Hall

Hometown: Germantown, Maryland

Birthday: June 24th 1994

Involvement on Campus: SGA Senator at Large, Student Life Game Room Manager

Favorite Food: Grilled Chicken

Food you hate: Sweet Potatoes

Favorite Movie: Fight club or Catch Me If You Can

Favorite Book: Harry Potter Series

Favorite Sports Team: New York Yankees (Baseball), Washington Red Skins (Football)

Favorite Music: Everything!

Favorite Holiday: Christmas Day

Biggest Pet Peeve: When people don’t show respect to their elders.

Why did you decide to become a RA?

I wanted to serve the Hood Community by assisting my residents be the best they can be.

What do you think will be the biggest challenge?

Balancing all of my responsibilities and still having time for myself.

How has your experience been so far as a RA?

It has been a very rewarding experience as I have had the opportunity to help my residents through difficult situations.

Have you made any lifestyle changes since becoming a RA?

I am more committed to self-improvement, whether that be eating a bit healthier, hitting the gym, or just taking time to relax.

What do you look forward to the most becoming a RA?

Getting to interact with my residents and obviously having my own room.

What would be some advice you would give to a resident?

Have the courage to pursue your goals and don’t let anyone bring you down.





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