Get to Know A RA: Ashley Barnes

Barnes final

Class Year: Senior, 2016

Major/ Minor: English Minor in Writing

RA Building: Coblentz

Hometown: Japan

Birthday: 04/13/1994

Involvement on Campus: RA, member of BSU

Favorite Food: Chicken

Food you hate: Peas

Favorite Movie: Love and Basketball

Favorite Book: Monster by Walter Dean Myers

Favorite Sports Team: Philadelphia Eagles

Favorite Music: R&B

Favorite Holiday: Christmas

Biggest Pet Peeve: Being a hypocrite

Why did you decide to become a RA? 

I decided to become an RA because I was interested in helping others residents around me. I wanted to be someone others could come to if they needed anything or needed to be referenced somewhere else.

What do you think will be the biggest challenge?

The biggest challenge of being an RA is separating personal from professional. Sometimes you get stuck in certain situations where your friends may be involved. However, your job comes first. I have to put aside friendships and handle the situation fairly.

How has your experience been so far as a RA?

Being an RA has been nothing but ups and downs. Honestly, I wouldn’t change it for anything. I love my residents and I love being a source for their issues. And hey, it also helps that I’m 21 and have an upperclassmen floor. So, there are times when I can go out and enjoy my time with them off campus.

Have you made any lifestyle changes since becoming a RA?

I haven’t made any major lifestyle changes. I just make sure I make time for myself. Whether its taking a trip to Starbucks, going to the gym, or just getting off campus. Allowing “me time” is beneficial when you are a RA.

What do you look forward to the most becoming a RA?

It’s always nice getting paid for work. So the pay we get, plus these extra blazer bucks are perks. But honestly, its not even about the pay. I look forward to making relationships with my residents, and having a strong relationship with my staff.

What would be some advice you would give to a resident?

Have fun, be safe, and make good choices. We know that residents want to have fun and want to enjoy their time in college. We are not here to get you in trouble, we are just here to make sure you are in good hands and are safe!




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