Mixed Reactions from Hot Topic Forum

Hot Topic Fourm

Tensions were high between administration and students during the Hot Topic Open Forum sponsored by Student Government Association (SGA).

Many students brought concerns both good and bad about the new housing plan that will take in effect in fall 2016.

After the forum, President Chapdelaine was thrilled with the attendance from students.

“I think if is great. Clearly, students are engaged and concerned abo the changes to that is good,” Chapdelaine said.

Chapdelaine continued to say that she thought the questions were fair ones and people have done their homework about the issues.

“I was really happy,” Chapdelaine said.

Dean White was also impressed with turnout of students at the forum.

“The diversity of questions of housing even though they hadn’t had that focus on housing. There were a number of different questions that I think the students wanted clarification,” Dean White said.

Many questions that were asked to the panel were about housing, transgender bathrooms around campus, and a better communication with the students from all departments on campus.

Matthew Troutman, director of residence life, thought the forum went really well.

“We were able to hear from people to give their feedback and answer questions,” Troutman said.

Troutman also said that he anticipated hearing more feedback.

One aspect that can be discussed even further was the change that is happening on campus. There have been many changes that have and will go into effect next year.

“I know that there is an anxiety with any type of change, that we may decide to make with students or in general,” Dean White said.

Dean White referred to one major change that happened during 2003 when former President Ron Volpe announced that Hood would be going co-ed.

“It did not meet favorable response by students at the time and it was across the board. There were a number of concerns that students addressed to us,” Dean White said.

The announcement was hard for students, but even harder for alumni.

“I think any time that we have an exchange like this, to clarify information, to listen to what the concerns are and to address those concerns and be very transparent about it then it can only help with the communication.

Senior Curtis Stubbs spoke about the changes at Hood and how he believes that they are good for campus.

“As president of Black Student Union (BSU) on this campus, I speak for the black community, I am always hearing comments about how people don’t have a wonderful experience here at Hood, even though, Hood is a second home to me. I do understand that it s not perfect and I think change needs to happen for all voices on their campus, to feel like this could be there second home,” Stubbs said.

Another student, Chris Gardner, junior, agreed with Stubbs about change not only on campus, but in life.

“I think change is a good thing because I think coming to college itself is a great change and everyday we experience change. I think keep traditions is important to a degree, but I think the more readily we accept change in a college setting, I think that the more adequate to life after college,” Gardner said.

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