Forty nine students receive class rings

Photo by Maggie Thomas. The ring recipients gather before returning to their loved ones to celebrate.

In the name of Hood traditions, juniors and a few seniors participated in the ring ceremony on Sunday.

The ring ceremony is a tradition at Hood for the junior class in which they receive their class rings. Some receive legacy rings, which are old rings donated back from alumnae and some obtain scholarships in order to reduce or pay for a new ring.

In total there were about fifty participants this year. Also included in the ceremony were speeches by Chad Allen, President Chapdelaine, Leah Giambarresi MacDonald, and Dean White.

MacDonald from the class of 2003, spoke about the importance of the ring and what it symbolized to the Hood community outside of campus. It connects Hood alum without having to voice that you went to Hood, it can be seen by simply looking at the ring.

Dean White, quoted Lucas Graham and the song “7 Years” as well as reminded the class of their memories. From student accomplishments to reminding everyone of their time as freshman, it was a way for students to look back at their memories. Her speech concluded with pictures from the various events.

Following the speeches, students received their rings from Chapdelaine. Someone special in their life then ringed them, whether that was a close friend, sibling, parent, or other family member; it was someone who had impacted their academic career.

The rings alone come in a variety of fashions. From yellow or white gold to domed tops or flat or even a blue or black stone, students can create their own ring. What stays consistent, however, is the “H” creating a bond between everyone who has a ring.

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