Study abroad coordinator says goodbye

Photo by Jeanne Robinson. Study abroad coordinator Kate Emory.
Photo by Jeanne Robinson. Study abroad coordinator Kate Emory.

Study abroad programs coordinator Kate Emory finished her final day April 4 after almost five years of work at Hood College.

“It was exciting to work here,” Emory said. She left Hood for a position at Chatham University in Pittsburgh, her alma mater.

When Emory arrived at Hood in July 2011, there were no study abroad programs except for foreign language students. Hood received international students in exchange programs, but did not send students themselves because there was nobody in charge of managing them. The loss of the study abroad office was part of the cuts made in 2001-2002, she said.

Hood even used to own their own program in Strasbourg, France, which students from other institutions studied through as well, according to Emory.

She wanted Hood to “allow more students to have education overseas,” Emory said, a study abroad alumna herself.

Today, Hood is affiliated with the Center for Academic Programs Abroad (CAPA), which means students’ financial aid goes towards the tuition of the program to study abroad in international cities. One of Emory’s last accomplishments was for Hood to become affiliated with the Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE), which will be in effect as of Fall 2016. This relationship with the program will give students additional options for locations and majors.

Emory talked to faculty and asked them “Do you want your students to go abroad?” Then, she worked on where the demand was, for which locations and fields of study. There has to be open communication between students and faculty, Emory said.

If nobody goes to certain locations, then there is no reason for Hood to have that program, Emory said. Both CAPA and CIEE offer courses in English for the majority of their locations, so any student can study abroad with them.

From Emory’s work here, 77 students went abroad for semester programs. Locations Hood has had representation in include England, Argentina, Jordan, Greece and Australia. Overall, students have studied in more than 16 countries for at least one semester.

Having these study abroad options is a promotional tool for Hood, Emory said.

Emory also assisted in the coordination of Alternative Spring Break trips to Haiti and faculty-led trips to countries including Costa Rica, France, Germany and Ecuador.

“One of my favorite aspects of my positions at Hood has been to see how a study abroad experience can affect students,” Emory said.

Any questions about studying abroad should be sent to and will be monitored by the Provost’s office until there is a new study abroad coordinator.

Work-study student senior Meg Locey, study abroad alumna, is still in the office. The new hours are Tuesdays 11am-2pm, Thursdays 10am-3pm and Fridays 12-3pm.

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