Post-College Gourmet Recipes: Ramen Edition

For many seniors here at Hood College, graduation means the start of a new beginning – a life on your own, or at least the first steps towards that. Whether you have lived in the dorms all four years or spent some time off campus, graduation means a major change in more ways than one.

For those seniors who have spent all or most of their college career living in the dorms, graduation also means a change in one of the biggest aspects of everyone lives: food. While the dining hall and take-out may vary in quality, it’s still nice not having to prepare your own food, which can be expensive and hard to make. While Ramen Noodles are often seen as a popular staple of college life, with a little time and effort they can be made into something amazing – and, it is important to note, cheap. Here are some great Ramen recipes to help graduates eat on a budget.

Chicken Noodle Soup:

Often it can be hard to properly take care of ourselves when we are sick. I know that I usually try to ignore my sickness for as long as possible. With the easy recipe, you’ll be able to make yourself a good, warm meal that will help you feel better and taste delicious!

What you need: cooked chicken, cabbage, carrots, and ramen noodles cooked for 3-minutes in boiled water.

Sirloin-Snap Pea Stir-fry

This can be a delicious dish for anyone who enjoys stir-fry and not spending a lot of money (so I’m thinking quite a few of us). It’s a tasty mixture that can be as flavorful as you want – had the spices and meat that you want! Top it off with snap-peas to make it perfect!

What you need: thin slices of beef, scallions, garlic, and ginger, and beef broth and soy sauce for the sauce. And of course, snap-peas!

Chicken Salad

Sometimes you want to eat a little healthy, or at least pretend to! With this salad recipe, you can easily have protein, greens, and of course everyone’s favorite noodle – Ramen! It’s quick and easy and won’t put a hole in your wallet, while also being super yummy and great for any occasion. (Just maybe don’t mention that it’s made with Ramen… people might get judgmental, let’s be honest).

What you need: toasted Ramen, chicken, lettuce, almonds, and spices.


Last but not least, we can’t forget the joy out of having your Ramen plain – but this I mean without everything. No spices, no vegetables, not even any hot water! Sometimes in life we get tired and lazy and don’t feel like doing anything, even taking the time to cook a little Ramen Noodles or ordering a pizza. If that is ever the case, just know that Ramen is edible and tasty if it is completely plain and uncooked (kind of like a cracker)! So when worst comes to worst, you’ve at least got that!

What you need: Ramen… and literally nothing else.

For those of you graduating soon, I’m sure the world probably looks like a scary place (hopefully it doesn’t), and that you have got a lot on your mind. It’s important to always know that no matter wat happens, Ramen Noodles will always have your back!

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