Hood’s disabilities resource

Contributing Writer James Brown

Title IX is not simply about athletics. Hood College has a Title IX resource for disabilities and disability services coordinator, Lauren Reis. Lauren Reis has been the Title IX resource for disabilities for five years now and her position is similar to that of Molly Frazier.

Reis is responsible for making sure there is no discrimination towards those with disabilities whether it be physical or mental. Students who choose to speak with Lauren Reis must reveal the disability with her, but professors and students won’t know exactly what disability a student is dealing with.

Once proper documentation has been provided to professors, students are able to receive accommodations such as a testing space or extra time.

Reis’s sole focus is individuals with disabilities, but students having other issues won’t be turned away. Students are able to have their information remain confidential and Reis is able to point them in the right direction to help solve their issue once they have expressed their issue or concern.

For students wishing to reach out to Lauren Reis, she can be found on the 3rd floor of Rosenstock suite 330 in the CAAR center or reached via email at reis@ hood.edu.

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