How do you make friends in school during COVID-19?

By Jessie Ramcharran//

Ah, yes, friendships. Making friends is always difficult, especially in a new environment like college. Some may say it’s even more difficult now with the current pandemic. Is this true? If so, how do you make a friend during COVID-19? 

The world has adapted to a new virtual normal. Everything is online nowadays. Online school has decreased our face-to-face interactions and ability to physically meet people. However, it has provided new opportunities to use technology and different applications to make new friendships. 

“Given the situation we are all in, we definitely have a new way of going about things,” senior Lauren Thompson said. “Although it is not ideal, it still is a platform where friendships can be made. I know for me; a lot of my classes have group projects which is a great way to start forming bonds outside of class time.”

Most schools are using virtual software programs like Zoom or Blackboard Collaborate to conduct classes. In these programs, educators can place students into breakout rooms. Students have taken advantage of these breakout rooms to form friendships. “During breakout rooms, if there were someone I was getting along with, I would ask for their Instagram or Snapchat,” freshman Kelcey Whipp said.

These breakout rooms can be helpful for students to form bonds with their classmates. “Usually, I bond with people in class over different assignments we have,” sophomore Zoe Brown said.  “For example, when we are put into small groups on blackboard or Zoom, we can bond on a more intimate level.” 

To make a friend during COVID-19, start with saying “Hi” behind your computer screen (I heard breakout rooms are the way to go). Then, initiate a conversation about either the class, your assignment, or a random and personal fact about yourself. As the conversation continues, see if you can exchange social media information and take it from there.

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