Pro-con ban on abortion in Texas

The state of Texas passed a new abortion ban on May 19, 2021, that was set to go into effect on Sept 1.

The Texas abortion ban prevents abortions after six weeks with no exceptions for rape. The bill also encourages citizens to enforce the law by allowing anyone to sue a doctor who performs abortions as well as anyone who helps the woman receive one.

Anyone who turns in an abortion participant can earn up to $10,000.

Opinion: Adoption is a better option than abortion

By Braden Weinel//

The new Texas abortion ban is a step in the right direction for our society, our country, and our world.

I disagree that civilians should be incentivized by money to snitch on abortion participants. I think that civilians should stand up against abortion, not for money, but because stopping abortion saves lives.

I am a Christian and have religious beliefs against abortion, however, I know that the religious argument won’t convince everyone that abortion should be outlawed, so I will stack my argument with scientific and logical information, too.

Abortion is murder.

As described by the U.S. code on the Cornell Law website, murder is “the unlawful killing of a human being with malice aforethought.” First-degree murder is considered premeditated and shows no concern for human life.

This would mean that both the doctor performing the abortion and the woman receiving the procedure would be committing first-degree murder.

Life begins at conception. As soon as the sperm cell fertilizes the egg, there is human life.

Abortion is not as safe of a procedure as many people make it out to be. A study of California Medicaid records revealed that women who received an abortion were over three times for likely to commit suicide than women who delivered their babies.

Women who abort are also at higher risk for drug use. A Christchurch health and development study in New Zealand demonstrated significantly higher rates of illicit drug dependence in women who have received an abortion than in women who carried through with their pregnancies and women who have never been pregnant.

An argument made against me a lot is that because I’m a man, my opinion regarding abortion shouldn’t be heard. Not all “pro-lifers” are men.

“My body is used in this most incredible miracle, and I can honor this privilege by keeping a growing baby safe from all harm,” Virginia Wiley, a physician and mother of six, said.

A main reason that “pro-choicers” fight to protect abortion is in the cases of rape. I agree that rape is wrong, however, one cannot erase the fact that they got raped by aborting the baby.

Two wrongs don’t make a right.

Only 1% of abortion cases are because of rape, according to a USA Today study. The report said 73-74% of cases are due to women saying that having a baby would drastically change their life and that they can’t afford him or her.

Adoption is an option.

Adoption gives life while abortion takes life away.

Another option is to not have sex. If you’re not willing to risk have a baby, don’t put yourself in a situation to birth one. We all know that even condoms and birth control are not 100% effective in stopping pregnancies.

Murdering a baby should not be the answer to a couple’s bad decision.

Abortion is wrong, there are no positives. Abortion results in a dead child, and what should be a guilty conscious.

Opinion: Women are more than their uterus

By Maddie Garvis//

It’s okay to not want to get an abortion because of your own moral or religious beliefs. It becomes not okay when that belief is forced upon all women through a state law.

What ever happened to the separation of church and state, what America was founded on? Religious freedom. The right for everyone to believe what they believe without repercussion or interference. The new abortion ban in Texas shreds this ideal to pieces and stomps all over it.

Absolutely no abortions after the sixth week of pregnancy. Even for pregnancies that are a result of rape.

Except six weeks isn’t really six weeks.

A majority of women don’t even know they’re pregnant until after six weeks into their pregnancy. Six weeks is only two weeks after a missed period. Which most women wouldn’t even associate with pregnancy. They would think it’s stress, or what they’ve been eating, a change in their exercise habits, a new medication, or really anything at all.

If you don’t understand this very basic concept of female biology, you probably shouldn’t be making laws regulating what a woman can and cannot do with her body, just saying.

Telling a woman that she has to carry and give birth to a child that she doesn’t want or cannot support is barbaric. People will always argue that a woman should go through with the pregnancy and put the baby up for adoption instead of having an abortion. But even pregnancy alone is life-altering.

Pregnancy is hard, painful, expensive and has a colossal impact on a woman’s mental and physical health.

I’m not saying abortion is the right choice for every woman. I’m just saying it should be up to each woman what she wants to do with her own body. It shouldn’t be up to the male governor of Texas, or anyone but the pregnant woman herself.

And don’t even get me started on how terrible our country’s foster care system is. There’s no telling what a child put up for adoption may experience with foster parents or in group homes if they aren’t adopted as a baby.

Lawmakers’ time would be better spent trying to fix the foster care system than it is trying to restrict women’s reproductive rights even further.

This law is just another way of telling women that they’re most valuable for their uterus and their ability to grow a baby in it. That they aren’t allowed to make decisions about their own body and what happens to it. Their life, their passions, their dreams, their goals, their physical and emotional well-being don’t matter as much as a clump of cells.

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