Bias-related stickers found on Hood campus

By Tommy O’Neill//

Campus Safety discovered bias-related stickers in five different areas across campus on Saturday, Oct. 30. 

The stickers included statements about communism in America as well as support for the Patriot Front, a white supremacist organization. 

There were no stickers inside any of the buildings on campus, but they were placed along the outsides of buildings. Security footage caught a white man dressed in all black placing the stickers on the front of the Volpe Athletic Center as well as Coblentz Hall. All the stickers that have been found have been removed by the facilities staff. 

“I have issued all that I am able to share with the campus and am still working with the Frederick Police Department in helping to identify the individual,” Thurmond Maynard, chief of campus safety said. 

The security camera photos that were provided by campus safety weren’t very clear, but if you recognize the man in the photo, please don’t hesitate to reach out to campus safety at or call 301-696-3548.  

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