Crime log

By Sullivan McGee

Three crimes were reported at Hood College this August.

 Thurmond Maynard, chief of campus safety, recently announced the new Student Auxiliary Patrol Program that hires students to patrol campus buildings and parking lots, provide walking escorts and check the outdoor emergency phones. Parking enforcement will start Sept. 12, and all community members will be required to have a parking pass in order to park on campus.

Additionally, Maynard reminded students not to let unknown individuals into campus buildings. He said suspicious persons should be reported to campus safety at 301-696-3111, or by using interior emergency phones or blue, outdoor emergency phones. 

The crimes reported in August are listed below.

Aug. 4

Property damage at the Smith Hall rear parking lot that occurred on July 28 between 8:45 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. was reported at 2 p.m. on Aug. 4. The damage was reported to the owner of the property and was referred to the Office of Business and Finance.

Aug. 16

A suspicious person was seen at the Whitaker Campus Center at 5:05 p.m.  The individual was reported to campus safety.

Aug. 20

The smell of a controlled dangerous substance in the Whitaker Campus Center was reported at 7 a.m. The odor was reported to campus safety.

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