Overcoming Stress
Perceived obstacles to goal achievement, environmental change, life challenges and periods of significant transition are common stress triggers for college students. All of us experience stress on a regular basis. Most of this stress is actually positive serving to motivate us. However, like most things in excess, too much stress is negative.
Excessive stress usually develops over a period of time and frequently goes unnoticed, until a physical or emotional toll occurs. One can learn to manage and maintain stress at relatively healthy levels, although conquering this skill doesn’t always come easy.
Think of unhealthy stress like blowing air into a balloon. If you keep blowing up a balloon without letting air out or tying off the balloon, it will eventually get too much air in it and will explode. However, if you blow air in, stopping periodically to let some air out, and then blow more air in, you can repeat the process without having the balloon explode. Managing stress is a similar process. Throughout life you will experience stress. Learning how to recognize your stress so you can take a break and cool down will help you from exploding.
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