College reflects on tenth anniversary of Sep. 11

The Hood Republicans set up a memorial last year marking the anniversary.

 By Stacey Axler and Shelia Headspeth

Photo by Tori Peterson
Senior Sarah Morris put up flags on the quad last year for September 11.

Photo by Tori Peterson

Students and faculty alike expressed their thoughts and feelings regarding the tenth anniversary of the terrorist attacks on Sep.11, 2001.

“I was in the fifth grade when it happened, and the whole event still seems very surreal,” said junior Ashley Birdsell.

“I just remember being bewildered that anybody could do such a horrific thing, but it’s amazing how the nation banded together,” said sophomore Kate Kopasek.

Reverend Beth O’ Malley dedicated her weekly Wednesday Interfaith service on Sep. 7 to the resonating emotions that lasted from the terrorist attacks.

“Our proximity toWashingtonmeans that so many members of our community were touched by those events either through their work, a connection to someone in or near the attack sites, or simply by watching the attacks unfold on the news and feeling the emotions that accompanied them,” O’Malley said.

To commemorate past anniversaries of Sep. 11, the Hood College Republicans and Democrats put up American flags on the quad to remind Hood students of the lives lost during the terrorist attacks.

This year, however, there was not an on-campus memorial because of a Frederick-wide interfaith memorial service planned by community faith leaders that took place inBakerPark.

Many Hood students took advantage of the campus interfaith service or the community interfaith service to memorialize the atrocities that occurred ten years ago.

“Everyone, when thinking about Sept. 11, remembers a different part of that day.  Many people want to share their experiences with others,” Reverend O’Malley said.


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