Annual International Dinner Continues to Celebrate Campus Diversity

By Ana Filopovic

Over the past several semesters, International Club (IC) always hosts a variety of campus events for the Hood community, including the popular International Dinner.

Every year a large number of international students become active members of the club and successfully present their culture to other Hood students and faculty.

Interestingly, the club is not exclusively reserved for international student. IC is for every student interested in learning about other cultures, or for students who wish to share their passions, travel experiences, origins of their families, etc.

The club strives to celebrate all diversity at Hood.

This year IC began their programming with the International Dinner on Sept. 25 in the Coblentz Dining Hall, where students could sample different food from around the world.

Following this, students could participate or visit International Bazaar in Whitaker Commons starting at 9 p.m.

For this event, there were many countries represented, including Nepal, Slovakia, Japan, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and Croatia.

The director of study abroad programs Kate Emory also sponsored a study abroad information table at the event where students could play an interesting game; students had to match the right greeting word to the language it belongs for the chance to win prizes.

At one point, Abby Tolliver, a student presenting Japan, helped students to put on Japanese traditional costumes when club members played Croatian/Bosnia/Serbian music for a traditional dance, called užičko kolo.

Many students joined because club members taught some of this choreography during an IC meeting prior to this event, but a huge number of students joined for the first time to the dance.

Among students, Dean White also showcased her moves to the crowd.

It was inspiring to many IC members to see how much diversity is appreciated at Hood and how students are willing to learn and share their experiences.

The president of IC, sophomore Lydia Emory, expressed her “appreciation and pride” for both the members of IC as well as the participants of the event at the conclusion of the evening.

IC currently plans thier upcoming event, the International Show, where students can showcase their talents in dancing, acting, singing, and playing.

Any student interested in IC can join the club meetings on Mondays, in Whitaker 220, at 8 p.m. If students cannot attend meetings due to other commitments, IC welcomes e-mails to and a board member will respond with information on how to be involved with the club.

Clearly, through IC’s work with the Hood Community, the club highlights that “Diversity [is] the art of thinking independently together.” Malcolm Forbes.

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