Many changes ahead: open positions

By Logan Samuels,

With Hood College’s current president going out and the new president being announced just in a matter of days, it is no surprise that students are in for some significant changes.

After 14 years of serving as president of Hood College, Ronald Volpe will be stepping down and leaving the position open. The spring semester has started with a flurry of events to meet the final three candidates for the presidency and students and staff eagerly wait to see which finalist the presidential search committee has chosen to become our next president.

However, it is not just the new president everyone is eager to meet. Throughout the year, several positions have become open, and during this spring semester and over the summer they will start to fill.

Current open positions that have yet to be filled are our Provost, Head of Residence Life, Director of Student Activities, Director of Communication Arts and Assistant Director of Marketing and Communications. These positions remain open with others chipping in to temporarily fill the void or take on part of the responsibilities and duties.

Zachary Luhman left at the end of October leaving his position as Head of Student Life open. The Area Coordinators worked together to take on his various duties for the rest of the fall and spring semesters, but it is likely that the position will be filled before the end of the semester.

Right before winter break, Don Miller left his position as Director of Student Activities in student life for a new job in Ohio. Gretchen Nonemaker and Matthew Dyjack have been working together to take on Miller’s tasks until the position is filled, most likely by the end of the semester.

Dean White said, “We are hoping to advertise for the positions…Director of Residence Life and Director of Student Activities and Orientation in early March, if not sooner. The goal is to have these positions filled by the end of the fiscal year, June 30, 2015.”

Katherine Conway-Turner announced that she was leaving Hood to take a president position in Buffalo, New York last summer. Edgar Schick was introduced as the interim provost for the year and will continue to serve until the search for a new provost ends.

“As far as I know…no search is as yet underway to replace me…When a new President assumes office, at the latest, that will be a topic of conversation,” Schick said.

Professor Aldan Weinberg, Journalism Professor and current Director of the Communication Arts program, announced earlier this year that he will be retiring at the end of the semester.

Weinberg said, “A search is under way for the teaching part of my job and a new person will come aboard in August. Professor Bertazzoni will most likely become director of the program, although no formal decision has been made on this. Also unknown is who will be advisor for the radio station.”

The final position still waiting to be filled is the Assistant Director of Marketing and Communications. Ilene Liszka, who currently holds the position, will be retiring in March and the Marketing Department is currently accepting applications.

Hood students have a lot of changes to look forward to, but it is likely that they will be able to head home for summer break with a good idea of who will be replacing who come next fall.


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