SGA Update

The Student Government Association is in full swing once again, with a few senate meetings under its belt, events underway and a full calendar of events left to go. In October, SGA broke its new senators up into various committees led by executive board committee chairs to give a specific focus to each senator. Senators are divided up into the student life, academic affairs, traditions, public relations, finance, services, and facilities committees. SGA was excited to welcome President Chapdelaine officially during the events leading up to her inauguration. Along with CAB, SGA co-programmed a special outdoor movie viewing after Oktoberfest to get ready for Halloween with everyone’s favorite: Hocus Pocus. SGA also celebrated the inauguration by participating in the week of service at Waterford Park to clean up and remove invasive plant species. For the actual inauguration, the executive board wanted to make sure that President Chapdelaine could drive in style, so they decorated President Chapdelaine’s golfcart to celebrate her new role.

For Safe Harvest, SGA hosted pumpkin bowling once again and was thrilled to see plenty of happy bowlers knocking down ghosts with their rolling pumpkins and earning plenty of candy and prizes. SGA’s current goal is to find a better way to collect student concerns and suggestions to bring into our meetings so that we can better serve the student body. Students can look forward to some November and December meals, events and a hot topic meeting coming soon. SGA wants to congratulate Active Minds on becoming a new SGA-approved organization and The Graduate Student Association for becoming formally recognized by SGA.

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