Sunset Apartments

Sunset Apartments

Students who get approved for living in the apartments at Sunset, won’t be able to select the specific apartment that they get to live in.

“You are just going to be approved for an apartment or not approved for an apartment. Most people don’t really care from what I hear where they are going to be in the apartment. They are just happy that they are going to be there,” Troutman stated.

One major reason as to why this change is happening is because Hood’s lease with the Sunset apartments will be up in summer 2016. Troutman states that ideally, he would like to have the apartments together, but it is harder to do that because of the non-Hood students who reside in Sunset.

“It is really impossible right now, we can’t just make the non-Hood people move. We hear it from our point of contact over there, well the non-Hood people were complaining about the noise and things like that,” Troutman said.

Troutman states that the staff of Residence Life, as well as himself, have talked with the management of the Sunset Apartments in saying that one of the things that Hood would like to discuss is the renegotiation of the leases.

“They were resistant to it [signing the new leases] and so we did the survey,” Troutman said.

With the survey that Residence Life conducted, Troutman said that about every other comment from the survey stated that the buildings need to be closer together.

With that survey that Troutman held, he is able to bring that information to the management of Sunset.

“When we go to talk with them this semester about this, it is good that we have it from the students’ mouths with their feedback. It is not us just making this up,” Troutman stated.

Troutman said that if this transition were to happen, the changes would be made over the summer.

Students, who want to live in the apartments, must be a rising junior, senior, or graduate student who is approved through Residence Life.

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