Blazer Radio creates a safe space for students

Photo courtesy of Pixabay

By A.R. Heier//

Blazer Radio has introduced a new show, The Midweek Meltdown, that lets students talk about issues they are facing.

Professor Tim Jacobsen created the program in the hopes of making a safe space for students to simply talk about any issues they’ve been experiencing. “It’s not a bitch-and-moan fest,” Jacobsen said.

Topics have included course registration, parking and things students are grateful for.

The idea is that if one or two students struggle with something, there are likely others who share the struggle. Solidarity is instrumental in any community, particularly in a school environment.

For those who have reservations regarding censorship, fret not. While it is a student-led show, there will usually be a faculty or staff member to help address the topics.

Students can suggest ideas for topics by following the link Jacobsen has included in student emails, as well as on the Blazer Radio website.

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